Når insekterne forsvinder, så følger svalerne med

Dette studie af Anders Pape Møller (Ecologie Systématique Evolution, Université Paris-Sud) af insekter der rammer biler viser, at insekterne er gået tilbage med 80 % i de pågældende områder. Og når insekterne forsvinder, så følger de arter med, der lever af insekterne, eksempelvis svalerne.
Parallel declines in abundance of insects and insectivorous birds in Denmark over 22 years


This 21‐year study of insect abundance showed a tenfold decline. The decline in insect abundance reported here could partly be attributed to changes in climate. Such declines in insect abundance may have consequences for reproductive success in insectivorous birds such as hirundines, but also have consequences for population size as documented in the present study. Long‐term population declines in abundance of insects must have important consequences for insectivores, interspecific interactions, and ecosystem functioning.

Download PDF af studiet her: M-ller-2019-Ecology_and_Evolution
